Tag Archives: death

Our Focus

My wife and I have the pleasure of  owning a Boston Terrier named “Mason”. Everyday I come home from work he greets me with a chewed up, pink rubber ring. He obviously wants to play fetch. I swear. I can throw that disgusting toy 100 times and he’ll never get sick of it. It’s all he lives for!  But today I started to observe him as he chased after the ring bouncing through the living room and brought it back to my lap. Usually I’m busy watching tv or creeping on facebook but this time I sat and watched him. All that dog is focusing on is that toy. He’ll sit in front of me for minutes at at time staring at it. Once I finally give in and throw it he will literally growl at it and hunt it down like a lion chasing it’s prey. Mason has a focus and his focus is that ring.

In the Christian faith, everyone has a focus. However, I don’t believe we’re aware of what that focus is. For example; When you decided to accept Jesus into your life did you do it because you were afraid of not entering heaven? Maybe. I think the vast majority of Christians enter faith based on a fear of what eternity will hold. If that’s still your focus I believe you need to realign your thoughts and emotions. Or maybe you’re a Christian because you don’t want to sin anymore. Maybe your focus is on doing things to please God… Again, if that’s your focus I believe you need to change some things.

I believe heaven exists and of course I believe sin is a deadly trap but if we’re only living day by day with a focus of “not sinning” I think we’ve missed the point.

I watched a video today of a gentlemen preaching fire and brimstone on fellow Christians. I agreed with a majority of what he was saying but he kept saying things like “if you’re living in sin you will burn for eternity”. I started to wonder where his focus was. Don’t get me wrong.. I believe when the Bible says the penalty of sin is death but death from what exactly?

I believe that true death would be a life without the presence of God. It scares me more than anything because I’ve experienced it. You feel empty, lost and confused. Nothing makes sense. Sin is a terrible thing that blocks us from having a relationship with God. It’s a like a concrete wall.

If our focus is only on the afterlife we’re missing what Jesus said to pray for! “On earth as it is in Heaven”… If we’re only focusing on heaven AFTER earth.. We’re wasting our time! I love Matthew 6:33!! It says “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Everything I need? All I need to focus on is the Kingdom of God….Wow.. This sounds a lot better than trying to NOT sin.

2 Timothy 2:22 is one of my favorite verses. It keeps the focus off of ” trying to not sin”… It says ‘Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” The key word is PURSUE! LEt’s pursue the kingdom of God. Let’s pursue righteous living.

Psalm 27:8….”You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do I seek.” you PURSUE Him.”

LET’S FOCUS ON HIM! Don’t focus on the after life. Don’t focus on trying to be good!

When we focus on Him.. We’re allowing God to use us here on this earth for his purpose. That’s when we see “On earth as it is in heaven”. That’s when the world see’s Jesus. That’s when things change in our culture! When we focus on Him!

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Emergent, Emerging Church, Post Modern, Theology